Identifies the complete text of the error message.
public string ToString( )
The return value is a string is in the form “AseError:”, followed by the message. For example:
AseError:UserId or Password not valid.
The message state. Used as a modifier to the MsgNumber.
public int State
The severity of the message.
public int Severity
The name of the server that is sending the message.
public string ServerName
The name of the stored procedure or remote procedure call (RPC) in which the message occurred.
public string ProcName
The line number in the command batch or the stored procedure that has the error, if applicable.
public int LineNum
Associated with the extended message.
public int Status
The current state of any transactions that are active on this dialog.
public int TranState
The error message that comes from the Adaptive Server server.
bool IsFromServer
The return value is “true” or “false.”
if (ex.Errors[0].IsInformation ) MessageBox.Show(“ASE has reported the following error: “ + ex.Errors[0].Message);
The error message that comes from Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider.
bool IsFromClient
The return value is “true” or “false.”
if (ex.Errors[0].IsInformation ) MessageBox.Show(“ASE has reported the following error: “ + ex.Errors[0].Message);
The message is considered an error.
bool IsError
The return value is “true” or “false.”
if ( ! ex.Errors[0].IsInformation ) MessageBox.Show(“Error: “ + ex.Errors[0].Message):
The message is a warning that things might not be quite right.
bool IsWarning
The return value is “true” or “false.”
if ( ! ex.Errors[0].IsInformation ) MessageBox.Show(“Error: “ + ex.Errors[0].Message):
An informative message, providing information such as the active catalog has changed.
bool IsInformation
The return value is “true” or “false.”
if ( ! ex.Errors[0].IsInformation ) MessageBox.Show(“Error: “ + ex.Errors[0].Message):