To use Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider, you must also add a line to your source code to reference Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider. You must add a different line for C# than for Visual Basic .NET.
Referencing the Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data
Provider classes in your code
Start Visual Studio .NET and open your project:
For C#, add the following
line to the list of using
at the beginning of your project:
using Sybase.Data.AseClient;
For Visual Basic .NET, add the following line at
the beginning of your project before the line Public
Class Form1
Imports Sybase.Data.AseClient
This line is not strictly required. However, it allows you to use short forms for the Adaptive Server classes. Without it, you can still use the following in your code:
Sybase.Data.AseClient.AseConnection conn = new Sybase.Data.AseClient.AseConnection();
use this line instead of:
AseConnection conn = new AseConnection();
in your code.