Add method


Adds an AseParameter to the AseCommand.

Syntax 1

public AseParameter Add( AseParameter P )

Syntax 2

public AseParameter Add( object P)

Syntax 3

public AseParameter Add( string name, AseDbType dataType )

Syntax 4

public AseParameter Add( string name, object value )

Syntax 5

public AseParameter Add( string name, AseDbType dataType, AseParameter size)

Syntax 6

public AseParameter Add( string name, AseDbType dataType, int size,
string sourceColumn)

Syntax 7

public AseParameter Add( string parameterName, AseDbType dbType,
int size, ParameterDirection direction, Boolean isNullable, Byte precision,
Byte scale, string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion sourceVersion, object


value: For Syntax 1 and 2, value is the AseParameter object to add to the collection. For Syntax 3, value is the value of the parameter to add to the connection.

parameterName: The name of the parameter.

aseDbType: One of the AseDbType values.

size: The length of the column.

sourceColumn: The name of the source column.

Return Value

Add inserts a parameter into the list of parameters help by the AseCommand. The return value is the new parameter added to the list.