Adds an AseParameter to the AseCommand.
public AseParameter Add( AseParameter P )
public AseParameter Add( object P)
public AseParameter Add( string name, AseDbType dataType )
public AseParameter Add( string name, object value )
public AseParameter Add( string name, AseDbType dataType, AseParameter size)
public AseParameter Add( string name, AseDbType dataType, int size, string sourceColumn)
public AseParameter Add( string parameterName, AseDbType dbType, int size, ParameterDirection direction, Boolean isNullable, Byte precision, Byte scale, string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion sourceVersion, object value)
value: For Syntax 1 and 2, value is the AseParameter object to add to the collection. For Syntax 3, value is the value of the parameter to add to the connection.
parameterName: The name of the parameter.
aseDbType: One of the AseDbType values.
size: The length of the column.
sourceColumn: The name of the source column.
Add inserts a parameter into the list of parameters help by the AseCommand. The return value is the new parameter added to the list.