With Adaptive Server ADO.NET Data Provider, there are two ways you can access data: using the AseCommand object, or using the AseDataAdapter object.
AseCommand object: The AseCommand object is the recommended way of accessing and manipulating data in .NET because the programmer has more control of connections. However, AseDataAdapter allows you to work offline.
The AseCommand object allows you to execute SQL statements that retrieve or modify data directly from the database. Using the AseCommand object, you can issue SQL statements and call stored procedures directly against the database.
Within an AseCommand object, you can use the AseDataReader class to return read-only result sets from a query or stored procedure.
For more information, see “AseCommand class” and “AseDataReader class”.
AseDataAdapter object: The AseDataAdapter object retrieves the entire result set into a DataSet. A DataSet is a disconnected storage area for data that is retrieved from a database. You can then edit the data in the DataSet, and when you are finished, the AseDataAdapter object updates the database with the changes made to the DataSet. When you use the AseDataAdapter, there is no way to prevent other users from modifying the rows in your DataSet; you need to include logic within your application to resolve any conflicts that may occur.
For more information, see “Resolving conflicts when using the AseDataAdapter”.
For more information about the AseDataAdapter object, see “AseDataAdapter class”.