Configuring threshold monitoring for servers or listeners

In server properties, or the properties for each listener, you can configure threshold monitors to queue handling of new requests when a response-time or memory-limit threshold is reached. For example, you can specify that when 90% of available memory is consumed, new requests must acquire the “memory” thread monitor before proceeding.

In the Management Console, configure the threshold monitoring properties on the Monitors tab of the server properties pages, or on the Performance tab of the listener properties pages. For details, see “Monitors tab” in Chapter 3, “Creating and Configuring Servers,” in the System Administration Guide.

To be effective, threshold monitoring requires thread monitors with fixed limits on the Maximum Active Threads setting. The default thread monitor for response-time threshold monitoring is “performance.” The default for memory threshold monitoring is “memory.” To configure thread monitors, follow the instructions in “Monitoring threads” in Chapter 3, “Creating and Configuring Servers,” in the System Administration Guide.