Idle connection timeout for C++ and PowerBuilder clients

In a cluster, EAServer’s load balancing policy can evenly distribute the initial client connections. However, long running C++ and PowerBuilder clients can create unbalanced loads by building an affinity for the server that they are initially directed to by the name service.

To avoid this problem, configure the ORBidleConnectionTimeout C++ ORB property. This property specifies the time, in seconds, that a connection is allowed to sit idle. When the timeout expires, the ORB closes the connection. The default is 0, which specifies that connections can never timeout. The connection timeout does not affect the life of proxy instance references; the ORB may close and reopen connections transparently between proxy method calls. Specifying a finite timeout for your client applications can improve server performance. If many instances of the client run simultaneously, a finite client connection timeout limits the number of server connections that are devoted to idle clients. A finite timeout also allows rebalancing of server load in an application that uses a cluster of servers. You can also configure this property by setting the environment variable JAG_IDLECONNECTIONTIMEOUT.