Load-testing software simulates multiple clients, allowing you to replicate real-world timings and server loads in your test environment. These tools typically allow you to run multiple scripted HTTP client sessions that simulate typical end user request patterns. Popular options include:
OpenSTA, which is available on the Web
Segue silkperformer from Segue Software
Winrunner, Loadrunner, and other test tools from Mercury Interactive
e-TEST and other tools from Empirix
Load-testing strategies
When setting performance goals, you must also specify a usage
pattern that reflects real-world use of the application. For example,
interactive users do not usually submit one request per second.
A catalog shopper may download a part description, read it, download
another, add it to the shopping cart, and so forth before checking
out. To get accurate performance results, you must set up your test
tools to mimic typical request patterns, including the “think
time” between subsequent requests.