Tracing properties enable additional logging, which can be useful when debugging problems. However, tracing requires additional file I/O and computation. For best performance, disable these trace properties unless you are troubleshooting a related issue:
Server tracing There are several options for tracing server events (RMI-IIOP, JMS, SQL), which can be set from the Log/Trace tab of the Server Properties dialog box. See the EAServer System Administration Guide for more information.
Web application tracing The Web application property <property name=“web.enableTracing” value= “true”/> enables tracing of the Web application. You must also set the Web Trace property from the Log/Trace tab of the Server Properties dialog box to enable Web application tracing.
HTTP request log The server property enableHttpRequestLog generates an HTTP request log. You can set this property from the Log/Trace tab of the Server Properties dialog box. See the EAServer System Administration Guide for more information.