Enabling engine-to-CPU affinity

By default, there is no affinity between CPUs and engines in Adaptive Server. You may see slight performance gains in high-throughput environments by establishing affinity of engines to CPUs.

Not all operating systems support CPU affinity. The dbcc tune command is silently ignored on systems that do not support engine-to-CPU affinity. You must reissue dbcc tune each time Adaptive Server is restarted. Each time CPU affinity is turned on or off, Adaptive Server prints a message in the error log indicating the engine and CPU numbers affected:

Engine 1, cpu affinity set to cpu 4.
Engine 1, cpu affinity removed.

The syntax is:

dbcc tune(cpuaffinity, start_cpu [, on | off])

start_cpu specifies the CPU to which engine 0 is to be bound. Engine 1 is bound to the CPU numbered (start_cpu + 1). The formula for determining the binding for engine n is:

((start_cpu + n) % number_of_cpus

CPU numbers range from 0 through the number of CPUs minus 1.

On a four-CPU machine (with CPUs numbered 0 – 3) and a four-engine Adaptive Server, this command:

dbcc tune(cpuaffinity, 2, "on")

Gives this result:





(the start_cpu number specified)







On the same machine, with a three-engine Adaptive Server, the same command causes the following affinity:









In this example, CPU 1 is not used by Adaptive Server.

To disable CPU affinity, use -1 instead of start_cpu, and specify off for the setting:

dbcc tune(cpuaffinity, -1, "off") 

Enable CPU affinity without changing the value of start_cpu by using -1 and on for the setting:

dbcc tune(cpuaffinity, -1, "on")

The default value for start_cpu is 1 if CPU affinity has not been previously set.

To specify a new value of start_cpu without changing the on/off setting, use:

dbcc tune (cpuaffinity, start_cpu)

If CPU affinity is currently enabled, and the new start_cpu is different from its previous value, Adaptive Server changes the affinity for each engine.

If CPU affinity is off, Adaptive Server notes the new start_cpu value, and the new affinity takes effect the next time CPU affinity is turned on.

To see the current value and whether affinity is enabled, use:

dbcc tune(cpuaffinity, -1) 

This command prints only current settings to the error log and does not change the affinity or the settings.