ejb.logExceptions specifies a global value to enable or disable logging of exceptions thrown by components in an EJB module. If set to true, EAServer logs application and system exceptions that are thrown by the business methods for any component in the EJB module.
To override this setting for individual components, create a <setProperties> command in your user configuration that runs the <logExceptions> subcommand. For example:
<target name="configure-user"> <setProperties component="ejb.components.myjar.MyCompRemote"> <logExceptions enable="true"/> </setProperties> </target>
You can disable logging of exceptions for all components in the server by setting the server Log System Exceptions and Log Application Exception properties. If exception logging is disabled in the server properties, the component settings have no affect.
See Chapter 2, “Deploying and Configuring EJB Components,” in the EAServer EJB User Guide for more information about configuring EJB components.
If an IIOP client running against EAServer version 6.0 or later gets a JMetaData exception on the server side during lookup, there may be EAServer version 5.x classes in the client’s class path. To solve the problem, remove the EAServer 5.x classes from the class path. If version 5.x classes are required, verify that they are listed in the class path after the version 6.x classes. Ideally, there should be no EAServer 5.x classes in the class path.