When you are investigating an EAServer error, gather the following information to convey to Sybase Technical Support; it may help them expedite a solution:
Full text of error message and crash details, as appropriate.
Information about your EAServer installation:
Version number
Build number
This information appears at the start of the server log. See “Logging and statistics” for more information about log files.
Information about the EAServer process that is running in your environment, including version numbers of the DLLs or libraries loaded—see “ListDLLs”. To list which libraries are loaded and their load locations, use pmap, or a similar command for your platform.
Relevant log files, located in the logs subdirectory:
Server log The server log may contain:
Console output
DriverManager messages
Exception cross-references
Transaction cross-references
Application exceptions
System exceptions
Remote IIOP and RMI-IIOP method invocations
Local RMI method invocations
EJB component invocations
Web component invocations
Java Message Service (JMS) operations
JDBC driver activity
HTTP request log HTTP request logs are named serverName-http-YYYY-MM-DD.log, where serverName is the name of the server, and YYYY-MM-DD is the current date.
Information about your platform:
Number of CPUs
Operating system version and patch levels
Environment variables, many of which are defined in the setup script djc-setenv.sh (UNIX) or djc-setenv.bat (Windows):
DJC_JDK_14 and DJC_JDK_15
Not all variables are defined in the setup script. The server and tools start-up scripts configure PATH, CLASSPATH, BOOTCLASSPATH, and other settings.
Also check the user-defined scripts local-setenv.sh (UNIX) or local-setenv.bat (Windows) for additional settings.
See “Configuration issues” for more information on environment variables.
Information about the server JDK; including:
Java version (from the server log file)
VM type (from the server log file)
Other server properties that configure the Java VM
Database server
Database version/driver
Connection type (ODBC, JDBC, native)
Application information:
Nature of the application (for example, an order entry system)
Application type: client/server or Web application
Number of concurrent users that access the application during peak time
Maximum amount of data that the components retrieve
Amount of data returned to the clients
If service components exist, their function (verify that they are not transactional)
If shared components (versus multiple instance components) exist, their purpose
Whether components are being pooled
If stateful components exist, their function; also, whether SetComplete and SetAbort functions are called for these components
Types of components in use: PowerBuilder®, Web applications, servlets, JSPs, and so on
For applications that include PowerBuilder components, the number of:
PowerBuilder components used in the application
Whether any PowerBuilder components are invoked by a non-PowerBuilder client; and if so, the type of client
Whether the SetComplete and SetAbort functions are being called for stateful components, or whether the auto-demarcation deactivation component property is set for the components