Known Issues for Multiplex Environment

Descriptions of known issues and workarounds for the multiplex environment.

Multiplex issues
CR# Description
  • Emergency shutdown on secondary servers after CREATE TEXT INDEX – A secondary server goes into emergency shutdown, when:
    • It is started with the -sf external_library_full_text flag, which disables loading of external libraries, and

    • The user issues a CREATE TEXT INDEX statement on the coordinator with a text configuration that uses external libraries.

    All other servers replay the DDL successfully.
  • Workaround – Start secondary nodes in the multiplex without the -sf external_library_full_text flag.
  • Emergency shutdown on secondary servers after creating a proxy table – A timing problem may cause an emergency server shutdown when a user accesses a new proxy table on a secondary server.
  • Workaround – Either reconnect or wait for some time and start another transaction, before trying to use a newly-created proxy table.
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Related reference