PowerDesigner v16.5 SP02 includes new support for SAP platform solutions.
PowerDesigner supports round trip reverse-engineering and generation of SAP HANA® v1.0 SP05 and SP06 tables and analytic and attribute views. This version includes new support for table partitioning.
PowerDesigner supports importing any recent version of SAP® Business Suite.
PowerDesigner now supports the importing and editing of scenario flow diagrams and importing additional logical components from the system landscape defined on your server for use in your processes. Documentation handling is improved to allow the importing of document types and statuses and the creation of new project documentation of type URL in PowerDesigner.
PowerDesigner supports round-trip importing and exporting of SAP® Solution Manager v7.1 SP07 and SP08 projects.
A new option lets you exclude blob columns when generating the universe business layer.
To use this feature, you must have SAP® BusinessObjects™ SBOP BI Platform Clients 4.0 SP04 Patch 3 (v14.0.4.819) or higher installed on your workstation. On Windows Vista or Windows 7 machines, if PowerDesigner fails to recognize a valid BusinessObjects installation, it may be necessary separately to launch the Universe Design tool one time with administrator privileges to enable the BusinessObjects SDK.