Starting ASE Web Services Engine


The runws script does not successfully start a ASE Web Services Engine.

User action

  1. Make sure the port you are attempting to use is not already in use by another process.

  2. Make sure you have the correct JRE installed. ASE Web Services requires JRE 1.4.2 or later.

    To check your JRE version, enter the following at your command prompt:

    java -version
  3. If you want Web Services to run with a properties file other than, you must specify the absolute path for the file. For example, to run the ASE Web Services Engine with a different properties file:

    C:\sybase\WS-15_0\bin\runws -f 


The ASE Web Services Engine finds the specified ase_service_name in the interfaces file, but the producer.log shows the following error messages:

INFO [main] - Error locating libtcl.cfg file.
INFO [main] - LDAP
config File does not exist