Perform the following to install Web Services:
Add an entry to the interfaces file for the Web Services Consumer. The interfaces file is located in $SYBASE (or %SYBASE% on Windows).
If necessary, update the file. The file contains a number of runtime properties for the WebServices server, including the server name, port number, error logging, and so on. The file contains directions for updating in its commented section. Update the values in the file to suit your installation.
The default location for is:
On UNIX – is located in $SYBASE/WS-15_0/props/
On Windows – is located in %SYBASE%\WS-15_0\props\
Run the configssl utility to configure SSL for Web Services: The syntax is:
configssl -d domain_hostName -k keystore -h httpsPort -f property_file-c certificate_password -s keystore_password
domain_hostName – is the host name of the URL used to connect to Web Services using SSL. For example, the domain_hostName for the mydomainhostname URL is:
domain_hostName has no default value.
keystore – full path to the file that stores certificates. The default locations are:
On UNIX – $SYBASE/WS-15_0/props/keystore
On Windows – %SYBASE%\WS-15_0\props\keystore
httpsPort – the port number to listen for an SSL connection. The default port number is 8182.
property_file – the location and name of the properties file to update. The default locations are:
On UNIX – $SYBASE/WS-15_0/props/
On Windows – %SYBASE%\WS-15_0\props\
certificate_password – the password for the certificate. certificate_password has no default value. configssl prompts for a password if you do not provide one.
keystore_password – the password for the keystore. keystore_password has no default value. configssl prompts for a password if you do not provide one.
This example configures SSL for Web Services on host name “sybase”:
/sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/bin/configssl -d asekernel1 -c sybase -s sybase -k /sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/producer/keystore -h 8187 -f /sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/props/
configssl initiating execution at Thu Jan 19 19:43:59 PST 2012. Using SYBASE as /sybase/ase157 Using SYBASE_WS as WS-15_0 Using SYBASE_JRE6 as /sybase/ase157/shared/JRE-6_0_24_64BIT Generating 1,024 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA1withRSA) with a validity of 360 days for: CN=asekernel1, OU=ASEWS, O=Sybase, L=Boulder, ST=CO, C=US [Storing /sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/producer/keystore] Certificate stored in file </sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/producer/wscertificate.cer> \nUpdating /sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/props/ file to reflect new SSL settings. Succeed to set permission mode as '600' for file '/sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/props/' Update of /sybase/ase157/WS-15_0/props/ complete. configssl execution complete at Thu Jan 19 19:44:02 PST 2012
If necessary, run installws. If Adaptive Server includes the sp_webservices stored procedure, installws was run previously, and you need not run it again.
If necessary, add a server entry to sysservers for Web Services:
sp_addserver 'web_services_name, 'sds', 'web_services_name'
For example, to add a server entry for a Web Services named ‘ws:’
sp_addserver 'ws',sds,'ws'