Configuring SSL

NoteTwo certificate passwords are created by default as “sybase” from InstallShield during installation. You can change these from Sybase Central later.

SSL is configured automatically using the Configuration Utility from InstallShield or from Sybase Central. However, you can also configure SSL manually. To manually configure SSL for ASE Web Services, run the configssl script, which can be found in the bin directory:

configssl -d <domain_hostName> -k <keystore> 
-h <httpsPort> -f <property_file> 
-c <certificate_password> -s <keystore_password>


NoteYou can also add your own certificate for SSL. For instructions on how to add your own certificate, see the documentation for the keytool utility in the JRE that manipulates the keystore file. The JRE delivered with ASE Web Services is version 1.4.

The file sets the keystore location with The WS Producer is the only user of the keystore location. The WS Consumer uses a separate certificate, which is located in the JRE by default. To consume Webservices over HTTPS (SSL) as a WS consumer, import the Producer’s SSL certificate into the keystore for the JRE (for example, with $SYBASE/$SYBASE_JRE6_64/lib/security/cacerts