IAgentryData interface

Visual Basic syntax

Public Interface IAgentryData

C# syntax

public interface IAgentryData

Derived interfaces


All members of IAgentryData, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Method Description
public List< IAgentryCollection > Collections() Return a list of collections contained by this object.
public IAgentryData Descendant(int) Return a specific data item that's owned by this object.
public List< IAgentryObject > Objects() Return a list of objects contained by this object.
public List< IAgentryProperty > Properties() Return a list of properties owned by this object.
Modifier and Type Property Description
public IAgentryData Ancestor The parent object of this object.
public AgentryDataType DataType Return the type of this object as defined in the Editor.
public int DescendantCount Return the number of data items owned by this object.
public string DisplayName Return the display name of this object as specified in the Editor.
public string InternalName Return the internal name of this object as specified in the Editor.
public IAgentryData Root The root object in the data tree for an Agentry module.