Push Plugin Overview

The push plugin APIs enable you to send push data to Kapsel applications.

The push notification system consists of:
  1. The Kapsel application, which runs on the device and receives the notifications.
  2. The notification service provider, for example, APNS for Apple devices, and GCM for Android devices.
  3. The SAP Mobile Platform Server, which collects device IDs from the clients and push notifications through the notification service provider.

The Kapsel Push plugin allows you to enroll applications for notification with notification registration, as well as to receive and process incoming notifications for Kapsel applications. This plugin also supports background notification processing.

In a typical deployment, SAP Mobile Platform Server sends push messages to a push server through a RESTful API, which in turn delivers the push message to the user agent, which then provides execution instructions for the app. The user agent then delivers the push message to the designated app.

The push API tasks include:
  • Registering and unregistering a push notification
  • Push notificaton handling
  • Push notification configuration
  • Error message handling
Note: As a best practice, you should rarely use the unregister function. It is explained in detail at http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/adv.html#unreg.

Domain Whitelisting

Kapsel plugins support Apache Cordova's domain whitelisting model. Whitelisting allows you to control access to external network resources. Apache Cordova whitelisting allows you to whitelist individual network resources (URLs), for example, http://www.google.com.

For information about the whitelist rules, see http://docs.phonegap.com/en/3.3.0/guide_appdev_whitelist_index.md.html.

Related reference
Kapsel Push API Reference