SMPUserManager class


@interface SMPUserManager : NSObject


All members of SMPUserManager, including inherited members.

Method Description
- (BOOL) deleteUser: (NSString *) userName password: (NSString *) passWord error: (NSError **) error Static Method which deletes the application connection/user with which the application has established a connection.
+ (SEL) getAuthChallengeSelector Getter for Authentication Challenge Selector.
+ (id< SMPCaptchaChallengeDelegate >) getCaptchaChallengeDelegate Getter for the Captcha Challenge Listener.
+ (id< SMPUserManagerDelegate >) getDelegate Getter for the user manager listener.This is a class method to fetch the user manager listener object.
+ (SMPUserManager *) initializeWithConnection: (SMPClientConnection *) clientConn Gets the instance/object of the SMPUserManager class.
- (BOOL) registerUser: (NSString *) userName password: (NSString *) loginPassword captchaText: (NSString *) captchaText error: (NSError **) error isSyncFlag: (BOOL) isSynchronous Static method which registers the client with the server by automatically creating a user with the help of a pre-defined authentication mechanism along with Captcha Text.
- (BOOL) registerUser: (NSString *) userName password: (NSString *) loginPassword error: (NSError **) error isSyncFlag: (BOOL) isSynchronous Registers the client with the server by automatically creating a user with the help of a pre-defined authentication mechanism.
+ (void) setAuthChallengeSelector: (SEL) selector Setter For the Authentication Challenge.
+ (void) setCaptchaChallengeDelegate: (id< SMPCaptchaChallengeDelegate >) delegate Setter for the Captcha Challenge listener.This is a class method to register for the Captcha Challenge Listener.
+ (void) setDelegate: (id< SMPUserManagerDelegate >) delegate Setter for the user manager listener.This is a class method to register the user manager listener .


The class which has all the functions to register/de-register a user All the function calls in this class have various ways of provisioning settings on to the client and register the user with the help of these settings. We can also check if a user is registered and delete the user as and when necessary

Settings Exchange Error Codes
  • 70002 - Password Policy Not Enabled.
  • 70003 - Error Fetching Push End Point.
  • 70004 - Empty Parameters Passed.
  • 70005 - Non Editable Properties. This Error is particularly thrown for setConfiguration Property API where properties set are not editable.
  • 70006 - Customization Bundle Data Fetch Error.
  • 70007 - Customization Bundle Not Available.

User Registration Error Codes

  • 70001 - Application Connection Identifier is null. User is not registered.
  • 70008 - Parser Error.
  • 71000 - SMPInternalError. Error occurred in Rest Client.