ISDMODataSubscriptionEntry interface

Deprecated. since 3.0, Use IODataSubscriptionEntry Subclass of SDMODataEntry to be used for subscription s.



public abstract interface ISDMODataSubscriptionEntry extends ISDMODataEntry

Implemented interfaces

Derived classes


All members of ISDMODataSubscriptionEntry, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Variable Description
public static final String ELEMENT_DELIVERYADDRESS Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_COLLECTION Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_FILTER Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_SELECT Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
Modifier and Type Method Description
public abstract String getCollection() Returns The value of the appropriate entry property.
public abstract String getDeliveryAddress() Returns The value of the appropriate entry property.
public abstract String getFilter() Returns The value of the appropriate entry property.
public abstract String getSelect() Returns The value of the appropriate entry property.
public abstract void setCollection(String) Sets the value of the appropriate entry property.
public abstract void setDeliveryAddress(String) Sets the value of the appropriate entry property.
public abstract void setFilter(String) Sets the value of the appropriate entry property.
public abstract void setSelect(String) Sets the value of the appropriate entry property.
Inherited members from ISDMODataEntry
Modifier and Type Member Description
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_SEMANTICS Name of the appropriate SDMOData attribute.
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TERM Name of the appropriate SDMOData attribute.
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SEMANTICS_ACTION Value option for appropriate SDMOData attribute.
public static final String ELEMENT_AUTHOR Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_CATEGORY Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_CONTENT Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_ENTRY Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_LINK Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_NAME Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_PROPERTIES Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_SUMMARY Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_TITLE Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_UPDATED Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public abstract List< ISDMODataLink > getActionLinks() Returns SDMOData Link objects that are set as action links (Has semantics (SAP name-space) attribute with value 'action')
public abstract String getAuthorName() Returns The value of the 'name' SDMOData element of the 'author' SDMOData element.
public cacheState getCachestate()  
public Long getCacheTimestamp()  
public abstract String getCollectionId() Returns the Id of the SDMOCata Collection that this Entry belongs to.
public abstract String getEtag() Returns the Id of the SDMOData Collection that this Entry belongs to.
public abstract String getFilterUrl() Returns the full execution URL hat can be used for filtering collection search for this single entry.
public abstract List< ISDMODataProperty > getGPUseInSearchPropertiesData() Returns the value and meta information (retrieved from SDMOData Schema document) of the properties of this SDMOData Entry document with 'true' use-in-search (Generic Player name-space) attribute value.
public abstract List< ISDMODataProperty > getGPVisibleInDetailPropertiesData() Returns the value and meta information (retrieved from SDMOData Schema document) of the properties of this SDMOData Entry document with 'true' visible-in-detail (Generic Player name-space) attribute value.
public abstract List< ISDMODataProperty > getGPVisibleInListPropertiesData() Returns the value and meta information (retrieved from SDMOData Schema document) of the properties of this SDMOData Entry document with 'true' visible-in-list (Generic Player name-space) attribute value.
public abstract List< ISDMODataIcon > getIcons() Returns the list of the appropriate SDMOData elements.
public abstract String getId() Returns The Id of this SDMOData Entry (value of appropriate SDMOData Id element)
public boolean getIsLocal()  
public abstract Map< String, String > getKeyPropertyValues() Returns the values of the properties that are marked as key properties in the SDMOData Schema document.
public abstract Date getLastUpdated() Returns The parsed value of the 'updated' SDMOData Element.
public abstract List< ISDMODataLink > getLinks() Returns the list of the appropriate SDMOData elements.
public abstract List< ISDMODataProperty > getPropertiesData() Returns the value and meta information (retrieved from SDMOData Schema document) of the properties of this SDMOdata Entry document.
public abstract List< ISDMODataProperty > getPropertiesDataWithAttribute(String, String) Returns the value and meta information (retrieved from SDMOData Schema document) of the properties of this SDMOData Entry document with the given attribute value.
public abstract List< ISDMODataProperty > getPropertiesDataWithAttribute(String, String, boolean) Returns the value and meta information (retrieved from SDMOData Schema document) of the properties of this SDMOData Entry document with the given attribute value.
public abstract ISDMParserDocument getPropertiesDocument() Returns the representer document of SDMOData 'properties' (Metadata name-space) document This method is created for performance reasons mostly to use in search methods.
public abstract String getPropertyValue(String...) Returns the value of the appropriate property.
public abstract< T > T getPropertyValueParsed(String...) Returns the value of the appropriate property parsed to it's real type.
public abstract Map< String, String > getPropertyValues() Returns the all the values of properties contained by this SDMOData Entry document Key for the properties will be their name of their full path in case they are enclosed by Complex Types.
public abstract List< String > getPropertyValues(List< String[]>) Return list of property values for the given property paths.
public abstract List< ISDMODataLink > getRelatedDataLinks() Returns SDMOData Link objects that represents links to Related Data.
public abstract List< ISDMODataProperty > getSAPSearchablePropertiesData() Returns the value and meta information (retrieved from SDMOData Schema document) of the properties of this SDMOData Entry document with 'true' searchable (SAP name-space) attribute value.
public abstract ISDMODataSchema getSchema() Returns the appropriate SDMOData Schema object.
public abstract ISDMODataLink getSelfLink() Returns SDMSDMOData Link object that should be used for self related operations (with 'rel' attribute value 'self' or 'edit')
public abstract ISDMODataLink getSubscriptionLink() Returns SDMOData Link object that should be used for subscription or null if there is no subscription link defined.
public abstract String getSummary() Returns The value of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public abstract String getTitle() Returns The value of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String PROPERTY_LEVEL_SEPARATOR  
public abstract void putComplexPropertyValue(String, String...) Puts the new property element as a sub-element of the 'complex properties' SDMOData element.
public abstract void putId(String) Sets id of this SDMOData Entry document (value of appropriate SDMOData Id element)
public abstract void putPropertyValue(String, String) Puts the new property element as a sub-element of the 'properties' SDMOData element.
public abstract void putPropertyValue(String, String, boolean) Puts the new property element as a sub-element of the 'properties' SDMOData element.
public abstract void setAuthorName(String) Sets the value of the 'name' SDMOData element of the 'author' SDMOData element.
public void setCachestate(cacheState)  
public void setCacheTimestamp(Long)  
public abstract void setCollectionId(String) Maintains the Id of the SDMOCata Collection that this Entry belongs to.
public void setIsLocal(boolean)  
public abstract void setSchema(ISDMODataSchema) Maintains the reference to the appropriate SDMOData Schema object.
public abstract void setSummary(String) Sets the value of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public abstract void setTitle(String) Sets the value of the appropriate SDMOData element.
Inherited members from ISDMParserDocument
Modifier and Type Member Description
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_ETAG Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_VALUEPREFIX_EDMTYPE Value prefix for EDM Type type values.
public abstract ISDMParserDocument clone() Creates a copy of this object.
public static Map< String, String > DEFAULT_PREFIXMAPPING The default XML Namespace-to-Prefix mapping used for building XMLS.
public static final String[] EDMDATETIME_PATTERNS Possible EDM DateTime patterns Note: Some pattern are not supported by OData specification but still widely used.
public static final String[] EDMDATETIMEOFFSET_PATTERNS Possible EDM TimeOffset patterns Note: Some pattern are not supported by OData specification but still widely used.
public static final String EDMTIME_PATTERN EDM Time pattern.
public static String ELEMENT_FEED Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public static final String ELEMENT_ID Name of the appropriate SDMOData element.
public abstract String getAttribute(String...) Returns the value of the first attribute with the given route.
public abstract List< String > getAttributes(String...) Returns all the values of attributes with the given route.
public abstract Map< String, String > getChildAttributeMap(String...) Returns all the name-value pairs of attributes contained by the element with the given route.
public abstract List< String > getChildAttributes(String...) Returns all the values of attributes contained by the element with the given route.
public abstract List< ISDMParserDocument > getChildDocuments(String...) Returns the elements contained by the element with the given route.
public abstract List< ISDMParserDocument > getChildDocumentsWithAttribute(String, String, String...) Returns the elements contained by the element with the given route and having the given attribute with the given value.
public abstract List< ISDMParserDocument > getChildDocumentsWithAttribute(String, String, boolean, String...) Returns the elements contained by the element with the given route and having the given attribute with the given value.
public abstract ISDMParserDocument getDocument(String...) Returns the first element with the given route.
public abstract List< ISDMParserDocument > getDocuments(String...) Returns all the elements with the given route.
public abstract List< ISDMParserDocument > getDocumentsWithAttribute(String, String, String...) Returns the elements with the given route that contains the given attribute with the given value.
public abstract List< ISDMParserDocument > getDocumentsWithAttribute(String, String, boolean, String...) Returns the elements with the given route that contains the given attribute with the given value.
public abstract ISDMParserDocument getDocumentWithAttribute(String, String, String...) Returns the first element with the given route that contains the given attribute with the given value.
public abstract ISDMParserDocument getDocumentWithAttribute(String, String, boolean, String...) Returns the first element with the given route that contains the given attribute with the given value.
public abstract String getElementName() Returns The name of the root element of this document.
public abstract String getFunctionImportComplexPropertyValue(String...)  
public abstract String getPrefixForUri(String) Returns the appropriate name-space prefix for the given XML name-space URI.
public abstract String[] getStrings() Returns all the string values contained by this document.
public abstract String getValue(String...) Returns the value of the first element with the given route.
public abstract List< String > getValues(String...) Returns all the values of elements with the given route.
public abstract void putAttribute(String, String...) Sets the value of the attribute with the given route If attribute does not exist it will be created as well as all other non existing elements in the route.
public abstract void putDocument(ISDMParserDocument, String...) Insert the document under the element with the given route inserted document will be placed before already existing documents with the same route name under All missing elements from the route will be created.
public abstract void putValue(String, String...) Sets the value of the first element with the given route.
public abstract boolean removeAttribute(String...) Removes first element with the given route.
public abstract boolean removeAttributes(String...) Removes all the attribute with the given route.
public abstract boolean removeDocument(String...) Removes first element with the given route For removing multiple element use setDocuemtns with null arguments.
public static final String ROOT_DOCUMENT_NAME The default root element name for a new document.
public abstract void setAttributes(List< String >, String...) Sets all the values of the attributes with the given route Values will be paired to attributes in order Attributes with greater or equals index than size of new values will be untouched Attributes paired with null values will be removed.
public abstract void setDocuments(List< ISDMParserDocument >, String...) Replaces all the elements with the given route Documents will be paired to elements in order Elements with greater or equals index than size of new elements will be untouched Element paired with null will be removed.
public abstract void setElementName(String, String...) Sets the name of the root element with the given route Use empty route for setting root name of this document.
public abstract void setValues(List< String >, String...) Sets all the values of the elements with the given rout Values will be paired to elements in order Elements with greater or equals index than size of new values will be untouched Null values will be treated as empty strings.
public abstract String toXMLString() Returns the XML string representation of this object.
public static final String XMLNS_APPLICATION_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
public static final String XMLNS_ATOM_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
public static final String XMLNS_DATASERVICES_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
public static final String XMLNS_EDM_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
public static final String XMLNS_EDMX_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
public static final String XMLNS_GENERICPLAYER_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
public static final String XMLNS_METADATA_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
public static final String XMLNS_SAP_URI Constant for XMLNS URI:
Inherited members from ISDMPersistable
Modifier and Type Member Description
public void read(BufferedReader)  
public void write(BufferedWriter)