SDMRequestManager class

Deprecated. since 3.0, Use



public class SDMRequestManager implements ISDMRequestManager, ISDMPreferenceChangeListener

Implemented interfaces


All members of SDMRequestManager, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Variable Description
public static final int MAX_THREADS  
public static AuthenticationChallengeListener authenticationListener  
protected static final String TAG  
protected ISDMConnectionHandler[] mMainHandler  
protected Vector< Object > mQueue  
protected Vector< ISDMRequest > mHQueue  
protected ISDMLogger mLogger  
protected String mMainHandlerClassName  
protected boolean mPassportEnabled  
protected SuccessThread successNotifier Success notification worker instance.
Modifier and Type Constructor Description
public SDMRequestManager(ISDMLogger, ISDMPreferences, ISDMConnectivitiyParameters, int) Instantiates the SDMRequestManager.
Modifier and Type Method Description
public void addPassport(ISDMRequest)  
public synchronized Vector< ISDMRequest > getAllRequests() Returns all requests from the connectivity component which are in the queue.
public ISDMConnectivitiyParameters getConnectivityParameters() Returns the ConnectivityParameters object containing the settings used by the library.
public ISDMLogger getLogger()  
public synchronized PassportAndCorrId getNetPassport(ISDMRequest)  
public ISDMPreferences getPreferences()  
public int getQueueSize() Returns the number of requests from the connectivity component which are in the queue.
public synchronized Object getRequest() Returns an ISDMRequest from the queue(s)
public synchronized boolean hasRequests() Returns a boolean indicating the queue has requests or doesn't.
public void makeRequest(final ISDMRequest) Put a request object into the SDMRequestManager.
public void makeRequest(final ISDMBundleRequest)  
public void onPreferenceChanged(String, Object) Callback method for preference change event.
public void sendLog(final String)  
public void sendOnSuccess(final ISDMNetListener, final ISDMRequest, final ISDMResponse) Used to notify the ISDMNetListener implementation about successful request, without blocking ISDMConnectivity threads and reducing the concurrency on the application.
public static void setAuthenticationChallengeListener(IAuthenticationChallengeListner)  
public final void setMainHandlerClassName(final String) Sets the name (w.
public void setMutualSSLChallengeListener(IMutualSSLChallengeListener)  
public void setSSLChallengeListener(ISSLChallengeListener) Error notification worker.
public synchronized void terminate() Terminates all the requests in the queue.