AbstractConnectionHandler class

Deprecated. since 3.0, Use com.sap.mobile.lib.request.AbstractConnectionHandler




public abstract class AbstractConnectionHandler implements ISDMConnectionHandler

Implemented interfaces


All members of AbstractConnectionHandler, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Variable Description
protected static final int MAX_TIMEOUT_COUNT  
protected static final String TAG  
protected ISDMRequest mRequest  
protected boolean mCleanupRequestsOnError  
protected boolean mError  
protected boolean mUpdateListener  
protected ISDMConnectivitiyParameters params  
protected ISDMLogger mLogger  
protected ISDMPreferences mPreferences  
protected int codeArray  
protected boolean mStop  
protected ISDMRequestManager mRequestManager  
protected TrustManager[] mTrustManagers  
Modifier and Type Constructor Description
public AbstractConnectionHandler(final ISDMRequestManager, final ISDMLogger, final ISDMPreferences) The default constructor.
Modifier and Type Method Description
protected String addBackendLanguageToUrl(String) Adds backend language URL parameter to the parameter.
protected String getBasicAuthHeader() Calculates the http basic authentication header value.
protected String getHost(String) Extracts the host part from URL string.
protected static String getIMEI()  
public static String getRequestTypeById(int)  
public boolean isSuccessful() Do we have error?
public abstract int makeHttpRequest() Make the request.
public void processRequestsFromQueue() Pick a request/bundle from the queue and process it/them.
protected String processUrl(String)  
public void setCleanupRequestsOnError(boolean) Sets whether the thread should clean up the request queue in case of errors.
public void terminate() Close the thread.
Inherited members from ISDMConnectionHandler
Modifier and Type Member Description
public static final int AUTHENTICATION_ERROR  
public static final int BAD_COVERAGE  
public static final String CRLF  
public static final int ERROR  
public static final int FAILED_LOGIN  
public static final int FAILED_LOGOUT  
public static final int FAILURE  
public static final int LOG  
public static final int NO_ERROR  
public static final int RETRY  
public static final int SUCCESS  
public static final int TIMEOUT