addEntry(IODataEntry) method

A new cache entry will be added into the local Cache using this particular method.


public String addEntry (IODataEntry entry) throws CacheException




This method will be mostly called when the application is trying to create entries in the backend via a HTTP POST.

Example 1

//Fire a HTTP POST 
IODataEntry entry = buildPostEntry();
ILogger logger = new  Logger();
ICache cache =new Cache(getApplicationContext(),logger);
String generated_id =cache.addEntry(entry);
PerformPostrequest(entry)//Fire HTTP POST request
Catch(CacheException e){
}. public void onSuccess(I Request arg0, I Response aResponse) {

 ClearLocalEntry(generated_id)//on success of POST request ,application developer clears this entry after all the Cache instances related to this entry (filter/query all matching) are updated from the server