registerForNotificationTypes( types, successCallback, errorCallback, notificationlistenerfunc, [senderId] ) method

Function called by the application to register notification types to receive.


<static> registerForNotificationTypes( types, successCallback, errorCallback, notificationlistenerfunc, [senderId] )


Name Type Argument Description
types string   Types of notifications the application wants to receive.The different types of notifications are expressed in <code>notificationType</code> Notificaion types allowed are Disable all notifications (NONE: 0), Set badge count on app icon (BADGE: 1), Play sounds on receiving notification (SOUNDS: 2) and Show alert on receiving notification (ALERT: 4).
successCallback string   Success callback to call when registration is successful.
errorCallback string   Error callback to call when registration attempt fails.
notificationlistenerfunc string   The function that receives the notification for processing by the application.
senderId string (optional) The sender ID that is used for GCM registration.For other platforms it is null.


regid = "211112269206";
function registerSuccess(mesg){}
function registerFailure(mesg) {}
function ProcessNotification(mesg){}
sap.Push.registerForNotificationTypes(sap.Push.notificationType.badge | sap.Push.notificationType.sound | sap.Push.notificationType.alert, registerSuccess, registerFailure, ProcessNotification, regid);


push.js, line 214.