deleteCertificateFromStore( successCB, [errorCB], certificateKey ) method

Delete a cached certificate from the keychain.

iOS clients always checks the cached certificate first to see if it is available before loading the certificate from the file system. If the cached certificate is no longer valid, use this method to delete it from the keychain.

            Only supported on iOS platform, NOT Android.


deleteCertificateFromStore( successCB, [errorCB], certificateKey )


Name Type Argument Description
successCB sap.AuthProxy~deleteCertificateSuccessCallback   Callback method upon success.
errorCB sap.AuthProxy~errorCallback (optional) Callback method upon failure.
certificateKey string   The key of the certificate to be deleted.


var successCB = function(){
    alert("certificate successfully deleted.");
var errorCB = function(error){
    alert("error deleting certificate: " + JSON.stringify(error));
sap.AuthProxy.deleteCertificateFromStore(successCB, errorCB, "certificateKeyToDelete");


authproxy.js, line 637.