Share Operation: Reverting to a Previous Share Revision


Prior to performing this procedure the following items must be addressed:


This procedure provides the steps necessary to revert the local project to a previous revision within the share repository; or, alternately, to create a new local project in the current Eclipse workspace based on a revision of the share prior to the tip revision. When this procedure is complete, and depending on the options selected, either the current local project will be replaced with the revision selected in the share repository, or a new local project will exist containing the definitions as they existed in the selected revision.

Note that this procedure can also be performed to revert the local project to the tip revision in the share repository. This differs from an update in that the current local project will be reverted to the tip revision and any local changes will be lost. None of the conflict detection or resolution functionality that is a part of an update operation is performed in a revert operation.

  1. Right-click the open Agentry application project in the Project Explorer View. Select the menu item Team | Revert | revision, where revision is the share revision to which the project should be reverted.

    This displays the Revert Project wizard, with the selected revision’s information displayed

  2. To create a new local project based on the selected share revision, check the Create new project check box. Then enter a name for this new project in the Project Name field. To not create a new project, but instead replace the currently open local Agentry application project, leave this box unchecked. Click the [Finish] button to proceed.

    The revert operation now executes. Based on the selections made, either the local Agentry project is replaced with the selected revision, or a new project is created in the current Eclipse workspace matching the selected revision from the share.

When this procedure is complete, either the local Agentry project is reverted to the selected revision, or a new local project is created in the Eclipse workspace matching the selected revision. If a new project has been created it is connected to the share repository.


The resulting project from this operation now matches the selected revision within the share. This project cannot be committed to the same share. Either the local project must be updated or reverted to the tip revision, or it must be disconnected from the current share and new one created for the local project using the Share Project operation.