Agentry Editor Eclipse Preferences

Modify the Agentry Eclipse preferences, which affect Agentry Editor behavior, as well as the appearance and behavior of various views within the Agentry Perspective.

To access Agentry Editor preferences, select Window > Preferences, then select Agentry.

Compare Editor

The Compare Preferences page displays the preferences for the Comparison Editor’s appearance and allow you to select the colors used to denote different states for the definitions. There is also a preference for the number of previous revisions to display when the local project is connected to a share repository.

For each of the color preferences, the foreground and background color can be set by selecting the desired color from a color palette. The foreground color setting specifies the text color and the background color specifies the field behind the item.
  • Selected Definitions specifies the color scheme for the currently selected definition.
  • Matching Definitions specifies the color scheme for definitions when the two definitions match exactly in both projects being compared in the Comparison View.
  • Non-Matching Definitions specifies the color scheme for definitions that do not match between the two projects being compared.
  • Non-Matching (Unimportant) Definitions specifies the color scheme for definitions that do not match between the two projects being compared when the difference between the two is an unimportant difference, such as a difference in the descriptions of each.
  • Source-Only and Editor-Only Definitions specifies the color scheme for definitions that exist in only one of the projects being compared.
  • External Compare Tool allows for the selection of the external comparison tool used to compare two text files, by default, WinDiff. However, you can use a different tool provided it can accept two arguments, each representing the files to be compared. Set this preference to the full path of the comparison's tool executable file name.

Compression Settings

The Compression Settings page displays the preference settings for compressing Agentry definition files during export, export differences, and publish operations. The default is to compress the definition files generated during these operations.
  • Compress exported files results in the creation of compressed export files when the Agentry application project is exported. The file extension for the export file is set to .agxz. If the file is not compressed the resulting export file has a file extension of .agx.
  • Compress exported differences files results in the creation of compressed export files when the Agentry application project is exported via an Export Differences operation. The file extension for the export file is set to .agxz. If the file is not compressed the resulting export file has a file extension of .agx.
  • Compressed published files results in compression of the files included with the published definitions on the development or SAP Mobile Platform Server. The server recognizes this compression and automatically decompresses it when loading the definitions.

New Definitions

The New Definitions preference page contains preferences when creating new definitions within the application project. This includes setting reminders on definitions, default names for certain definition types, and the default selected data type for complex table fields. You can change all values when actually creating the definitions in Agentry Editor.
  • New Definition Reminders places reminders on all new definitions using the text specified in the Reminder Text box. Each definition type within the project supports reminders, or text values displayed as informational messages in the Tasks View. By default, the developer sets reminders manually.
  • Transaction Naming specifies the default naming conventions for all new transactions: Noun-Verb (default) or Verb-Noun. Regardless of the default, you can change the names when adding a new transaction definition.
  • Rule Naming specifies the default naming conventions for all new rule definitions: Name-Usage (default) or Usage-Name.Regardless of the default, you can change the names when adding a new rule definition.
  • Complex Table Field Type allows you to specify the default data type selected when creating a new complex table field definition. However, you can change to a different data type during the creation process.


You can select the behavior of Eclipse when opening an Agentry application project when no Agentry perspective is currently open. You can also select the default Agentry perspective to open.

Project Explorer

The Project Explorer preferences page contains the preferences that affect the appearance and behavior of the Project Explorer View, as well as the Properties View interaction with it.
  • Auto Link
    • Link Properties View breadcrumb navigations with the Project Explorer View, set by default, automatically selects the definitions when navigating in the Properties View using the navigation buttons for back and forward.
    • Link Properties View parent navigations with the Project Explorer View, set by default, automatically selects a defintion when using the parent arrow in the Properties View to navigate to the parent or ancestor definition of the one currently displayed
    • Link Properties View hyperlink navigations with the Project Explorer View, set by default, automatically selects the defintion when clicking a hyperlink label in the Properties View to display the referenced definition.
    • Link Trash Bin definition restores with the Project Explorer View automatically selects the definition when restoring it from the Trash Bin view.
    • Link Visual Screen Editor selections with the Project Explorer View selects the same definition as the selected screen control in Layout view.
  • Sort Order indicates whether to sort the nodes in the order of previous releases of Agentry Editor, or in ascending order alphabetically.
  • Tooltips are set by default.
    • Where applicable, show definition reminder in tooltips
    • Where applicable, show definition description in tooltips
    • On image definitions, show image preview in tooltips (requires Development Server)


Right-click in the Production Publish Files box to add these auxiliary folders and/or files every time you publish an Agentry application. These folders and files are included with application project zip file that you publish to SAP Mobile Platform Server.
  • Add Folder Structure enables you to browse to an existing folder, which includes all sub-folders and their contents.
  • Add Folder enables you to create a new folder. Drag and drop to add files to this folder.
  • Add File enables you to add individual files to the Agentry application zip. Once added, you can drag and drop files to a new or existing folder.

Tagging Configuration

The Tagging Configuration preferences page contains the preferences for the definition tagging behavior of the project. It is also possible to add new tags to the project within this preference page. Note the preferences on this page are specific to the currently open Agentry application project.
  • Show tags bar in the Properties View shows or hides the tags bar in the Properties View. If the current open Agentry application project is connected to a share, this preference is always true and cannot be changed.
  • Auto-Tagging (Public) Select the tags to use for auto-tagging purposes. Click the Configure Tags icon to add more tags to the project.

Team Configuration

Team Configuration preferences are specific to each Agentry application project. These preferences are not available when the current project is not connected to a share. The following list describes these preferences:
  • Auto-Tagging (Private) describes the behavior where the Editor automatically applies a private tag to any definition when it is modified, added, or deleted in the current project. This tag is used in comparisons with the share revisions, and is also displayed in certain operations to allow for the selection of definitions with this tag. You can use a customized value as the name of this tag. By default, if this preference is blank, the developer’s Windows user ID is the tag name.
  • External File Handling indicates that the development server is specified before any share operations are executed that involve definitions with an external script normally stored on the development server. For example, when this preference is true, you must specify the development server when importing a new project from a share, or updating any back-end step script or any application image file.
  • Share Revisions Menu Count specifies the maximum number of revisions to display at one time in the revision menu of the Comparison View.
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Publishing Applications from the Agentry Editor