The <edit-select> element selects the numeric values in a field by position. This element is contained by the <field-popup>, which specifies the field and, for duration fields, the part of the field in which the selection is made. The <edit-select> element selects the characters based on position within the field as specified by its start and end attributes. The first character is at position 0. All characters from the specified start up to and including the end character are selected.
Name | Description | Data Type | Default Value | Required |
start | The first character within the field to select. Characters are specified using a 0-based index, meaning the first character is at position 0 within the field. | non-negative integer | 0 | Yes |
end | The last character within the field to select. Characters are specified using a 0-based index, meaning the first character is at position 0 within the field. | non-negative integer | 0 | Yes |