The <<user.client>> data tag container is a member of the <<user>> container. Members of <<user.client>> provide information about the client device’s hardware and software, and information about the Agentry Client application.
Many of the member data tags of <<user.client>> are valid only on client devices running a Windows operating system. Such members names begin with the text Win_ and will return empty strings for any other client device type. This members providing information about the Agentry Client software or the host system are invalid for web browser clients.
Tag Name | Description |
<<user.client.time>> | Returns the date and time of the client device when the transmission between the Agentry Client and Server began. |
<<user.client.Language>> | Returns the two character abbreviation for the client device’s configured locale. |
<<user.client.Win_MajorVersion>> | Returns the major version number of the Windows operating system installed on the client device. |
<<user.client.LocaleID>> | Returns the local ID for the configured locale of the client device. |
<<user.client.Win_ServicePack>> | Returns the service pack installed on the Windows operating system on the client device. |
<<user.client.timeDifference>> | Returns the difference in time’s between the client device and the Agentry Server’s host system. This value is represented in number of seconds where negative values indicate the client is behind the server. |
<<user.client.Win_MinorVersion>> | Returns the minor version number of the Windows operating system installed on the client device. |
<<user.client.FirstLogin>> | Returns the text value true or false based on whether the current transmit is the result of the user’s initial login to the Agentry Client. This value is representative of the fist time a user transmits from a given client device. |
<<user.client.Platform>> | Returns the platform type of the client device. |
<<user.client.timeZone>> | Returns the time zone to which the client device has been set. |
<<user.client.timeZoneBias>> | Returns the difference in seconds between the client’s time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). |
<<user.client.screenHeight>> | Returns the height of the client device’s screen in pixels. |
<<user.client.screenWidth>> | Returns the width of the client device’s screen in pixels. |
<<user.client.PreviousUser>> | Returns the text true or false based on whether the current synchronization processing is a part of a previous user transmit resulting from a user change on the Agentry Client. |
<<user.client.Win_ComputerName>> | Returns the network name of the client device. |
<<user.client.Win_PlatformID>> | Returns the platform ID of the client device. The specific value is dependent on the system and OEM settings. |
<<user.client.Country>> | Returns the abbreviated country name for the client device, as indicated by the device’s locale settings. |
<<user.client.Win_OS>> | Returns the type of Windows operating system (e.g. Mobile, XP, etc.) of the client device. |
<<user.client.clientTime>> | Returns the current time of the client device when the transmission began. |
<<user.client.ClientVersion>> | Returns the Agentry Client executable’s Agentry version number, such as |
<<user.client.Win_UserName>> | Returns the Windows account login under which the client device is currently running. This tag is only valid on Windows devices where an account name is entered. It will return an empty string for all other device types. |
<<user.client.Win_BuildNumber>> | Returns the build number of the Windows operating system installed on the client device. |
<<user.client.clientTimeZone>> | Returns the time zone configured on the client device. |
<<user.client.WinCE_Platform>> | Returns the platform type of the client device. This value is valid only for client devices running a mobile version of the Windows operating system. |
<<user.client.TestEnvironmentVersion>> | Returns the version number of the Agentry Test Environment. This value is valid only when the client is the ATE. Returns an empty string for all other clients. |
<<user.client.Win_ProcessorLevelCode>> | Returns the processor level code of the client device’s processor. This value is dependent on the original equipment manufacturer. |
<<user.client.Win_ProcessorRevision>> | Returns the processor revision of the client devices processor. This value is dependent on the original equipment manufacturer. |
<<user.client.clientTimeZoneDifference>> | Returns the difference in seconds between the client’s time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). |
<<user.client.Win_ProcessorArchtitecture>> | Returns the processor architecture of the client device’s processor. This value is dependent on the original equipment manufacturer. |
<<user.client.Win_ProcessorArchitectureID>> | Returns the processor architecture ID of the client device’s processor. This value is dependent on the original equipment manufacturer. |
<<user.client.Win_ProcessorCount>> | Returns the number of processors on the client device. |
<<user.client.isDaylightSavings>> | Returns the text true or false based on whether or not the client device is currently in daylight savings time. |
<<user.client.xmitConfigGroup>> | Returns the defined group of the transmit configuration definition selected by the user for the current transmission. |
<<user.client.xmitConfigName>> | Returns the name of the transmit configuration definition selected by the user for the current transmission. This is the internal definition name. |