Installing the ADT Bundle With Eclipse

The following items must be addressed prior to performing this procedure:
  • This procedure includes both an Eclipse installation as well as updates to the Android SDK, both of which are a part of the ADT bundle. Instructions for this installation are provided on the Android developer site, as referenced in the main procedure. Access to the bundle itself as well as to the instructions requires internet access.
  • The Java Development Kit installer should be downloaded and available. Information and the installer can be found by Clicking Here. Alternately, you can enter the following URL into your web browser:

This procedure provides information on installing the Android Development Toolkit (ADT) Bundle. This bundle includes both Eclipse and the ADT plug-in, as well as a basic installation of the Android SDK, all of which are necessary components for development of custom controls using the SAP Agentry OpenUI.

Additionally, it is necessary to install the Java SDK version 1.7, and to configure the system upon which it is installed by making changes to the Environment variables.

  1. Install the Java Development Kit (JDK). Note the installation location, as this will be needed later in this procedure.
  2. Create a new Environment Variable for Windows by right clicking on My Computer, selecting Advanced system settings, and then clicking Environment Variables. Create a System Variable named JAVA_HOME and set its value equal to the location in which the JDK was installed in the previous step.
  3. Next the Android Development Toolkit Bundle must be downloaded and installed. Instructions for this procedure are provided on the Android developer site. In a web browser, navigate to the download page for the ADT Bundle by Clicking Here. Alternately enter the following URL in your web browser:
  4. After installing the ADT Bundle, it is necessary to update the Android SDK that was a part of the installation. Open the folder under the Eclipse directory create in the previous step containing the Android SDK and start the SDK Manager. Here, add the required API versions from the SDK, which include versions 10, 15, and 17. For information on the SDK Manager, Click Here. Alternately, enter the following URL in your web browser:

With the completion of this procedure, the Android development environment needed for working with the OpenUI SDK for Android is in place.


See the procedure “SAP Mobile Platform Agentry OpenUI for Android Project Setup” for instructions on creating and importing the projects within the OpenUI SDK.