Send USSD Text State

Sends a text notification to subscribers via Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD). When subscribers send confirmations, the channel manager passes the messages to the processing engine.

Note: By default, USSD states are disabled. USSD is a custom protocol that mobile operators can implement. To develop USSD applications, contact SAP® Professional Services.

Input Variables

USSD Session Handling – select how USSD sessions are managed by the channel manager.

Note: This option is relevant only when the channel manager is configured to manage USSD session information.
The session handling options are:
  • None – used when no other option is selected; no specific handling is performed.
  • Default – session handling is based on the follow-up state transitions.
  • Continue – overrides the default behavior; the channel manager instructs the USSD Gateway with which it is interfacing to continue the USSD session for this user, regardless of whether there are follow-up transitions.
  • End – overrides the default behavior; the channel manager instructs the USSD Gateway with which it is interfacing to terminate the USSD session for this user, regardless of whether there are follow-up transitions.

Output Variables


Follow-up State – OK

Not applicable.

Follow-up State – Fail

Not applicable.

Follow-up State – Dynamic

To determine the follow-up state, compare responses to values of Expression for follow-up states.

State Editor

In this example, you specify the text to send to subscribers in the Message field. Notes describe the state functionality and how to use it.

Send USSD Text State


To tell the channel manager to end the USSD session, the state appends [$[End]$] to the message text. The channel manager strips off this text before sending the message to the USSD Gateway.

Related reference
Send USSD Input State
Send USSD Menu State