Testing Interactive Applications

Test an interactive application in the current workspace by simulating incoming and outgoing messages.

Activate the application.
  1. On the Interactive Application tab of the Simulation page, enter:
    • Customer MSISDN – numeric value. SMS Builder uses the MSISDN to either create a new session or find the existing session. If the application being tested has states that interface with a back-end system, enter an MSISDN that identifies a customer in that system.
    • Workspace Short | Long Code – select from the list.
    • Message Encoding – accept the default, or select Unicode.
    • Message Text – a valid keyword for the application.

    Simulating Interactive Applications
  2. Click Send to SMS Builder.
  3. To see responses, click Reload Message Log.
    If the application calls an external Web service, responses may take longer than the page-refresh time.
Related tasks
Developing Interactive Applications
Activating Applications