Creating One-Time Event Windows

Event windows define event start and stop times, and events invoke event applications. At the event-window start time, the event starts its corresponding event application; the event application stops either when it has finished processing its data, or at the event-window stop time, whichever comes first.

  1. On the Events screen, select the Event Windows tab.
  2. Click Add New Window, and enter:
    • Start date and time – time and date at which to start the event application.
    • Stop date and time – time and date at which to stop the event application.
    • Limit – maximum number of loopbacks to process. When used with a throttle, specify as a multiple of throttle. For example, if throttle = 60 messages per minute, specify a limit of 60, 120, or 180.
    • Throttle – maximum processing rate: number of messages per minute.
    • Resume – select to resume from the last processed item; leave unselected to restart from the beginning of the list. This is useful for states that process lists, such as the Process Subscriber state.
  3. Save your settings.
  4. (Optional) Create another event window, if necessary.