Assigning Events to Applications

Assign an event to an event application. The event invokes the event application.

Activate the event application.
  1. In the main Web UI window, select Events.
  2. Select the event, then select either the Event Applications tab or the Interactive Applications tab.
    Note: You can assign an event to only one event application. If an assignment already exists, you can remove it. If you assign an event to an interactive application, it prevents it from being inadvertently deleted. You can assign an event to an unlimited number of interactive applications.
  3. Click Assign Applications.
  4. To narrow the list of applications that appear, do one of the following, and click Search:
    • Select Event Applications or Interactive Applications.
    • Enter the application name.
    • Expand the Advanced list, and select a category.
  5. Select the application to assign to the event.
  6. To save the assignment, select:
    • Add to Event – remains on the current screen.
    • Add and Return to Event – returns to the Events screen, and displays the Event Applications tab.
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