Uploading and Deploying Hybrid Apps

If the selected hybrid app uses the AppUpdate plugin, activate the new version from this screen. If the hybrid app does not use the AppUpdate plugin, the application-specific settings are not applicable.

The application developer creates the hybrid app package that:
  • Contains the contents of the application's www folder and config.xml of the project, with a separate folder in the archive for each mobile platform (android/www and/or ios/www in all lower case). Format structure for hybrid apps:
    |- android 
    | |- config.xml
    | |- www
    |- iOS
  • Is compressed into a standard .zip file for upload.
  1. From Management Cockpit, select Applications > App Specific Settings.
  2. (Optional) If you imported a new application, skip this step. If you are updating the version, click Browse to upload another version of the application.
    1. In the dialog, navigate to the directory.
    2. Select the hybrid app package, and confirm.
    New version information appears for the uploaded Kapsel app for each mobile platform. You cannot change this information.
    Property Description
    Required Kapsel Version Identifies the Kapsel SDK version used to develop the Kapsel app, for example 3.0.0.
    Note: This version attribute is informational only, and is not used by SAP Mobile Platform Server to determine whether device clients should receive the Web application update.
    Development Version Identifies the internal development version used to develop the Kapsel app.
    Description Describes the Kapsel app.
    Revision Identifies the production version revision. For a newly uploaded Kapsel app, this is blank.
    Note: When the Kapsel app is deployed, the revision number is incremented.
  3. When ready, deploy the application:
    1. Click Deploy and confirm to deploy an application to one mobile platform.
    2. Click Deploy All and confirm to deploy the application to all available mobile platforms.

    Deployed Kapsel app information appears as the current version and the revision number is incremented.

    For device application users:
    • When a device user with a default version (revision = 0) of the Kapsel app connects to the server, the server downloads the full Kapsel app.
    • When a device user with a version (revision = 1 or higher) of the Kapsel app connects to the server, the server calculates the difference between the user's version and the new version, and downloads a patch containing only the required changes.
    • If the application implements the AppUpdate plugin, the server checks for updates when the application starts-up or is resumed. If the developer has made changes, AppUpdate detects them using contents in the www folder (that is, the HTML based content), and not with native plugins or changes made outside of that folder. For changes made outside the www folder, the developer needs to post a new copy of the app to the application download site, or use Afaria to push the new app to all users.
  4. Remove application version that have been imported, but not yet deployed:
    1. Click Remove and confirm to remove an application from one mobile platform.
    2. Click Remove All and confirm to remove an application from all available mobile platforms.
Related reference
AppUpdate Plugin Overview