SmappTemplate interface

Interface for the Application Flow template provider.


public interface SmappTemplate

Derived classes


Application flow(s) are exported into a XML file that can be re-imported back into the processing engine using the web UI.

The XML file (also called template) can also be packaged into an OSGi bundle and deployed as a plugin bundle. The template will appear in Brand Mobiliser "Dashboard - Quick Start Templates" enabling direct import into the processing engine.

Also see com.sybase365.mobiliser.brand.template.SmappTemplateProvider which is an implementation of this interface. The implementation may be used via Spring injection, as listed below:
  • Insert the following into the Spring configuration file (beans-context.xml), to instantiate the provider. <bean id="NewSystem" class="com.sybase365.mobiliser.brand.template.SmappTemplateProvider"> <property name="name" value="New Mobile Service System"> <property name="description" value="A system of applications for Mobile system."> <property name="resource" value="classpath:META-INF/template/new_system.xml"> </bean>
  • Register the provider with the OSGi service to make it discover-able by the web application <osgi:service id="NewSystemService" ref="NewSystem" interface="com.sybase365.mobiliser.brand.plugins.api.smapp.SmappTemplate" />