SMPOpenUIDecimalDisplayAdapter protocol

Protocol for a field extension representing a display-only decimal field.


@protocol SMPOpenUIDecimalDisplayAdapter

Base protocols


All members of SMPOpenUIDecimalDisplayAdapter, including inherited members.

Method Description
- (id< SMPOpenUIDecimalDisplayAdapter >) initWithDecimalDisplayModel: (id< SMPOpenUIDecimalDisplayModel >) model Called to initialize the extension with its model.
- (void) model: (id< SMPOpenUIDecimalDisplayModel >) model didChangeDecimal: (double) value Called to inform the adapter that the field's underlying value has changed, and it needs to be updated to display the correct value.
Inherited members from SMPOpenUIFieldAdapter
Member Description
- (BOOL) agentryShouldDisplayLabel Called to ask the adapter if Agentry should handle displaying the label for the field or leave it to the extension.
- (BOOL) agentryShouldDisplayValidationFailure Called to ask the adapter if Agentry should handle displaying validation failure text or leave it to the extension.
- (SMPOpenUIAutosizeBehavior) autosizeBehavior Called to ask the adapter what its desired autosize behavior is.
- (void) model: (id< SMPOpenUIFieldModel >) model didSetEnabled: (BOOL) enabled Called to inform the adapter that the host widget has been enabled or disabled.
- (void) model: (id< SMPOpenUIFieldModel >) model didSetHyperlinkEnabled: (BOOL) enabled Called to inform the adapter that the enable state of the hyperlink has changed.
- (void) model: (id< SMPOpenUIFieldModel >) model didSetValid: (BOOL) valid withValidationFailureText: (NSString *) text Called to inform the adapter that the field's valid state has changed.
- (void) model: (id< SMPOpenUIFieldModel >) model didSetVisible: (BOOL) visible Called to inform the adapter that the host widget has been shown or hidden.
- (void) model: (id< SMPOpenUIFieldModel >) model didUpdateLabel: (NSString *) label Called to inform the adapter that the text of the label has changed.
- (NSString *) model: (id< SMPOpenUIFieldModel >) model wantsExtensionString: (NSString *) stringName Called by the Agentry to get the value for the specified string.
- (NSUInteger) model: (id< SMPOpenUIFieldModel >) model wantsViewHeightForWidth: (NSUInteger) width Called to ask the adapter the height needed for its view for a given width for layout calculations.
- (UIView *) viewForFrame: (CGRect) frame Returns the UIView that will be added as a subview to the host's UIView This will be called one time after initWithXxxModel: has been called.