SMPDataAPIPropertyProtocol protocol

SMPDataAPIPropertyProtocol - Defines a interface that all properties (SMPDataAPIProperty) must adhere to.


@protocol SMPDataAPIPropertyProtocol

Base protocols


All members of SMPDataAPIPropertyProtocol, including inherited members.

Method Description
- (BOOL) asBool Evaluates the value of the property object as a bool.
- (NSDate *) asDate Evaluates the value of the property object as an NSDate object.
- (NSDate *) asDateAndTime Evaluates the value of the property object as an NSDate object.
- (double) asDecimal Evaluates the value of the property object as an double.
- (id< SMPDataAPILocationProtocol >) asLocation Evaluates the value of the property object as an SMPDataAPILocationProtocol object.
- (NSInteger) asLong Evaluates the value of the property object as an integer.
- (NSString *) asString Evaluates the value of the property object as a string.
- (NSDate *) asTime Evaluates the value of the property object as an NSDate object.
- (void) log Optional debug function to help debug the code.
- (enum SMPDataAPIPropertyType) propertyType A value that identifes the property type of a property data object.
Inherited members from SMPDataAPIProtocol
Member Description
- (id< SMPDataAPIProtocol >) ancestor The ancestor object (parent object)
- (NSUInteger) dataIdentifier Deprecated. This method will be removed in SMP 3.0 SP03. An id that indentifies the data object type (DEPRECATED).
- (enum SMPDataAPIDataType) dataType A value that identifes the data type of data object.
- (id< SMPDataAPIProtocol >) descendant: (NSUInteger) position Retrieves a descendant (child) data object.
- (NSUInteger) descendantCount The number of descendant (child) data objects.
- (NSString *) displayName The display name of the Agentry data object.
- (NSString *) name The internal name of the Agentry data object.
- (id< SMPDataAPIProtocol >) root The root object in the data tree for an Agentry Module.