Configuring the iOS Client for Mutual Authentication over HTTP(S)

Configure the iOS client for mutual authentication using a certificate provisioned through Afaria Server.

  1. Verify that the application ID uploaded in Afaria Server's application deployment package matches the Application ID set on the device application.
  2. If the SAP Mobile Platform Server uses a self-signed certificate for the HTTPS connection, then the device needs to import the server certificate to trust the server certificate.
  3. Open the Xcode project and in MAFLogonMangerNG.bundle set keyMAFUseAfaria to YES (launches Afaria if installed on the device).
  4. Verify that the handleOpenURL() method is defined in index.js. If it is not defined, then define an empty method for it, so that the client application functions properly when launched by the Afaria client.
    function handleOpenURL(url){}
  5. Create the Url schemes and Url identifier items in the .plist file for Logon.
  6. Register a custom URL scheme by creating the Url schemes and Url identifier items in the application's info .plist file, to allow communications with the Afaria client.
  7. The client connection settings can come from either the Afaria package configuration or the clienthub.plist file. The settings in the clienthub.plist file are applied only if Client Hub is enabled for sharing credentials. If both settings are available, the settings in the clienthub.plist file take priority over the Afaria package configuration.