FieldAdapter class

This is the abstract class all open UI adapter abstract classes derive from.


public abstract class FieldAdapter

Derived classes


All members of FieldAdapter, including inherited members.

Nested interfaces
Modifier and Type Interface Description
publicinterface TouchQueryHandler Interface for allowing Open UI controls to handle nested scroll events correctly.
Modifier and Type Method Description
public AutosizeBehavior getAutosizeBehavior() Called by Agentry to ask if the extension view needs to auto-size to accommodate the displayed data.
public int getContentHeightForAutosizing(int) Agentry will call this method if getAutosizeBehavior() is overridden to return AutosizeBehavior.Autosize_WrapContent.
public String getExtensionString(String) Called by the Agentry to get the value for the specified string.
public abstract View getView() Called to get the Android View that will be added as a subview to the Agentry layout.
public boolean isAgentryDisplayingLabel() Called to ask if Agentry should handle displaying the label.
public boolean isAgentryDisplayingValidationFailure() Called to ask if Agentry should handle displaying validation failure text or leave it to the extension.
public void onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) Called from activity launched through FieldModel.launchActivity(Intent intent, int requestCode) Allows extension the opportunity to handle any result from the now closed activity.
public void setEnabled(boolean) Called to inform the extension that the Agentry field's enable state has changed.
public void setHyperlinkEnabled(boolean) Called to inform the extension that the enabled state of the label hyperlink action has changed.
public void setValid(boolean, String) Called to inform the extension that the Agentry field's valid state has changed.
public void setVisible(boolean) Called to inform the extension that the Agentry field's visibility has changed.
public void updateLabel(String) Called to inform the extension that the label text has changed.