Session class

This is the base class for the various session types in Agentry.


public class Session extends AgentryJavaBackEndManagedObject

Derived classes


All members of Session, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Constructor Description
protected Session(String, Server, SessionData, User) Construct a new session, and save each of the arguments so that they can be retrieved later via the getName(), getServer(), getSessionData(), and getUser() methods.
protected Session(String, Server, SessionData) Construct a new session, and save each of the arguments so that they can be retrieved later via the getName(), getServer(), and getSessionData() methods.
Modifier and Type Method Description
public final void debug(String) Write the given message to a debug log, if debugging is enabled.
public String getName() Returns the name of the session, as configured in the Agentry application.
public Server getServer() Returns the Server singleton object that the Java system connection is currently using.
public SessionData getSessionData() Returns the session data for this session.
public User getUser() Returns the user for this session, if any.
public void sessionAborted() This is called if the session is aborted (e.g., by an exception).


A session generally refers to the carrying out of a particular action, fetch, push, transaction, etc. in an Agentry application. It contains information about the server and user executing the session, and also holds a SessionData object that provides access back into the Agentry server to retrieve application-specific data.