Use of Functions in Configuration

Use functions in a configuration in the same places you use a string literal. You can use examples in this topic as guidelines.

This function results in a field label with the localized string for from:
 <Label  text="{$_i18n.from}"> 
This function results in a field label with the localized string for since, followed by the short string for the date and time that occurred 24 hours prior:
 <Label text="{$_i18n.since} {$_format.dateTime($_now(-24),short)}"> 
This function results in the insertion of a tile with the title of the localized string for leave requests, using the icon specified by the lr_tab_icon image resource:
<Title tileID="leave_request_list” title="{$_i18n.leaverequests}">
 <p pid=”imageSrc” value="lr_tab_icon"/>

For further examples, see the extensibility samples.