Definitions of Events and Actions

Actions define how a control reacts to user interactions or internal events.

In iOS, events and actions defined in the configuration serve the same purpose as achieved via the UIControl addTarget: action:forControlEvents API when writing native code. The Extensibility Framework currently supports these event types: The onClick event, which translates to UIControlEventTouchUpInside, is the most commonly used user interaction event type.
The actions that define what happens when an event is triggered include:
This example demonstrates how to define a button to react to touch events by navigating to the tile with the TimeAccountsScreen ID:
<UIElement type=”button”>
    <P pid="text" value="Time Accounts" visible="true" />
    <P pid="halign" value="left" />
    <P pid="width" value="49%" />
    <P pid="height" value="25pt" />
    <P pid="style" value="BlackButton" />
    <Event id="onClick">
        <Action id="navigate">
            <P pid="target" value="TimeAccountsScreen" />
You can assign events and actions to any of the supported UI elements, including those with “image”type. This example shows how to define an image that brings up an alert view when tapped:
<UIElement type=”image”>
    <P pid="imageSrc" value="tapMe.png"/>
    <P pid="width" value="64pt" />
    <P pid="height" value="64pt" />
    <P pid="halign" value="center" />
    <Event id="onClick">
        <Action id="showAlertView">
            <P pid="alertTitle" value="Delete files?" />
            <P pid="cancelButtonText" value="Cancel" />
            <P pid="alertMessage" value="Nuke’em!" />