Changing MDO Filter Rules

Many of the common configuration changes made for an implementation involve the modification or addition of one or more filter rules within an MDO. In SAP, each user is assigned a role-based profile with authorization permissions on viewable data and available activities. For example, a user working in one plant should not be able to view data for another plant. When business activities performed by a user are mobilized through the mobile application, the ability to extend the same restrictions to the mobile application is necessary. Data filter rules provide the function to restrict data access for mobile applications.

This procedure describes the steps necessary, in general, to modify a data filter rule for an MDO. The specific settings of a given rule will vary depending on the overall nature of the change being made. Subsequent procedures will reference this process and provide the detailed values and settings for the filter rules involved in the specific change.

  1. Open the Agentry SAP Framework Configuration portal through SAP.
  2. From the ConfigPanel Home page, click the Mobile Data Object Configuration menu item.

    The Mobile Data Object Configuration page displays.

  3. Expand the Mobile Data Object tree in the Data Object Navigation Tree section and highlight the MDO created earlier in this procedure.
  4. Expand the desired method in the Defined Filters list.
  5. Under the method are listed all current filters defined for the method. Select the filter whose rules should be modified.

    The current rule filter settings are displayed in the Rule Editor section. All existing rules for the filter are displayed in the Rule List table.

  6. To add a new rule, edit an existing one, or delete a rule from the filter, click Change at the top of the page. Many of the fields in the Rule Editor section become editable, and two new buttons are displayed to the right of the Rule List field, Create and Delete.
  7. To delete a rule from the filter, select that rule in the list and click Delete. If no further changes are to be made, click Save at the top of the page to completely remove the rule from the filter. If additional changes are still needed, the filter can be saved after all changes are complete.
  8. To add a new rule to the filter, click Create to the right of the Rule List. To edit an existing rule within the filter, select it in the Rule List. This will display the current settings for the rule in the DOF Rule Type, Sign, Option, Low Value, High Value, and Active Flag fields within the Rule Editor section.
  9. Set or modify the editable fields according to the needs of the application. For a detailed description of all fields, see Mobile Data Object - Data Filter.
  10. Be sure the Active Flag field is set to true for each added or edited field before saving changes. Inactive filter rules will have no effect on the synchronization processing. An Active Flag is set by clicking in the box in order to display a checkmark.
  11. When all desired changes have been made to the filter rules click Save to apply those changes.