Deprecated. Acts as a configuration based runtime switch between SDMHttpRequest or SUPRequest.
All members of SDMRequestBuilder, including inherited members.
MethodsMethod | Description |
+ (void) cancelAllRequestsInQueue | This is an API to help clear the Queue of all queued requests. |
+ (void) enableTracing: (BOOL) value_in | Switches traceability status, the default is NO. |
+ (void) enableXCSRF: (BOOL) enable | Enable XCSRF support. |
+ (int) getTraceLevel | Helper method to retrieve the trace level. |
+ (BOOL) isTracingEnabled | Returns tracing status (default is NO). |
+ (id< SDMRequesting >) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL | Factory method with url. |
+ (id< SDMRequesting >) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL usingCache: (id< SDMCacheDelegate >) cache | Factory method with url and cache. |
+ (id< SDMRequesting >) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL usingCache: (id< SDMCacheDelegate >) cache andCachePolicy: (CachePolicy) policy | Factory method with url, cache and a cache policy. |
+ (enum ERequestType) retrieveRequestType | Helper method to retrieve the request type. |
+ (void) setRequestType: (const enum ERequestType) type_in | Helper method to store the request type to be instantiated; the builder decides which class (SDMHttpRequest or SUPRequest) should be instantiated based on this value. |
+ (void) setTraceLevel: (Level) value_in | Set the trace level, default is MEDIUM. |