Deprecated. Property information list of attributes: 7.1.5 OData Metadata Document + 3.1.9 Properties.
All members of SDMODataPropertyInfo, including inherited members.
MethodsMethod | Description |
- (void) addChildPropertyInfo: (const SDMODataPropertyInfo *const) child | |
- (SDMODataPropertyInfo *const) getPropertyInfoByPath: (NSString *const) path | Returns a pointer to a writable property info by path example path: "items\description\lang_code". |
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *const) propName andPropEdmType: (const enum TEN_EDM_TYPES) propEdmType | |
- (BOOL) isCreatable | |
- (BOOL) isFilterable | |
- (BOOL) isKey | |
- (BOOL) isNullable | |
- (BOOL) isSearchable | |
- (BOOL) isServerGenerated | |
- (BOOL) isUpdatable | |
- (BOOL) isVisibleInDetail | |
- (BOOL) isVisibleInList |