- (void) clear
Should wipe out all cached content. |
- (NSArray *) filterEntriesOfCollection: (NSString *) collectionName_in forSearchText: (NSString *) searchText_in
Filters cached entries with searchable properties according to the search term. |
- (NSArray *) getAllWorkspaces
Should retrieve all workspaces belonging to the stored SDMODataServiceDocument. |
- (const SDMODataCollection *) getCollectionByName: (NSString *) collectionName_in
Should retrieve a collection based on it's name. |
- (NSArray *) getCollectionsByWorkspace: (SDMODataWorkspace *) workspace_in
Should retrieve all collections for a given workspace. |
- (NSMutableArray *) getODataEntriesByCollection: (NSString *) collectionName_in
Should retrieve an array of SDMODataEntry instance pointers. |
- (const SDMODataEntry *) getODataEntryByCollection: (NSString *) collectionName_in andEntryId: (NSString *) entryId_in
Should retrieve the previously cached data entry (which is the result of data parsing) |
- (SDMODataServiceDocument *) getODataServiceDocument
Should retrieve the SDMODataServiceDocument. |
- (NSString *) getUid
Returns with the unique id of the cache. |
- (NSArray *) getWorkspacesBySemantic: (enum TEN_WORKSPACE_SEMANTICS) semantic_in
Should retrieve the workspace based on the provided semantics. |
- (BOOL) removeODataEntriesForCollection: (NSString *) collectionName_in
Removes all SDMODataEntry entries from the cache which belong to the given collection. |
- (BOOL) removeODataEntry: (const SDMODataEntry *) entry_in forCollection: (NSString *) collectionName_in
Removes an SDMODataEntry from the cache. |
- (BOOL) removeODataServiceDocument
Removes the cached SDMODataServiceDocument which acts as a root of the metadata tree. |
- (void) setODataEntries: (NSArray *) entries_in byCollection: (NSString *) collectionName_in
Should store an array of SDMODataEntry instance pointers. |
- (void) setODataEntry: (const SDMODataEntry *) entry_in byCollection: (NSString *) collectionName_in
Should store data entry (which is the result of data parsing) |
- (void) setODataServiceDocument: (SDMODataServiceDocument *) serviceDocument_in
Should set a valid metadata tree with a SDMODataServiceDocument as root, which will be kept in memory. |
- (void) setRegexSearchEnabled: (BOOL) flag_in
Enables in-cache filtering using regular expressions. |