Deprecated. since 3.0, Use
All members of SocketConnectionHandler, including inherited members.
VariablesModifier and Type | Variable | Description |
public static final int | HOST | |
protected static int | instanceNr | |
protected boolean | isStarted | |
String | m_realm | |
String | m_schemaName | |
protected ConnectionFactory | mConnectionFactory | |
public static final int | PATH | |
boolean | sendAuthenticaFailed | |
public static final int | SSL |
Modifier and Type | Constructor | Description |
public | SocketConnectionHandler(final ISDMRequestManager, ISDMLogger, ISDMPreferences) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
public void | finishCurrentRequest() | |
public synchronized int | makeHttpRequest() | |
public void | run() | |
public void | setLetThreadTimeOut(boolean) | |
public void | terminate() | |
public boolean | wasCancelled() |
Modifier and Type | Member | Description |
public | AbstractConnectionHandler(final ISDMRequestManager, final ISDMLogger, final ISDMPreferences) | The default constructor. |
protected String | addBackendLanguageToUrl(String) | Adds backend language URL parameter to the parameter. |
protected int | codeArray | |
protected String | getBasicAuthHeader() | Calculates the http basic authentication header value. |
protected String | getHost(String) | Extracts the host part from URL string. |
protected static String | getIMEI() | |
public static String | getRequestTypeById(int) | |
public boolean | isSuccessful() | Do we have error? |
protected static final int | MAX_TIMEOUT_COUNT | |
protected boolean | mCleanupRequestsOnError | |
protected boolean | mError | |
protected ISDMLogger | mLogger | |
protected ISDMPreferences | mPreferences | |
protected ISDMRequest | mRequest | |
protected ISDMRequestManager | mRequestManager | |
protected boolean | mStop | |
protected TrustManager[] | mTrustManagers | |
protected boolean | mUpdateListener | |
protected ISDMConnectivitiyParameters | params | |
public void | processRequestsFromQueue() | Pick a request/bundle from the queue and process it/them. |
protected String | processUrl(String) | |
public void | setCleanupRequestsOnError(boolean) | Sets whether the thread should clean up the request queue in case of errors. |
protected static final String | TAG |
Modifier and Type | Member | Description |
public static final int | AUTHENTICATION_ERROR | |
public static final int | BAD_COVERAGE | |
public static final String | CRLF | |
public static final int | ERROR | |
public static final int | FAILED_LOGIN | |
public static final int | FAILED_LOGOUT | |
public static final int | FAILURE | |
public static final int | LOG | |
public static final int | NO_ERROR | |
public static final int | RETRY | |
public static final int | SUCCESS | |
public static final int | TIMEOUT |