All members of RequestManager, including inherited members.
Nested classesModifier and Type | Class | Description |
public class | AuthenticationChallengeListener | The listener to register for authentication failure event. |
class | InvalidHandlerClassException | |
public class | MutualSSLChallengeListener | Listener to set call back so that application can accept or reject the client certificate. |
public class | SSLChallengeListener | Listener to set call back so that application can accept or reject the server certificate. |
Modifier and Type | Variable | Description |
public static AuthenticationChallengeListener | authenticationListener | |
protected boolean | isPerformanceLoggingEnabled | |
public static final int | MAX_THREADS | |
protected Vector< IRequest > | mHQueue | |
protected static ILogger | mLogger | |
protected IConnectionHandler[] | mMainHandler | |
protected String | mMainHandlerClassName | |
protected Vector< IRequest > | modifyingRequestQueue | |
protected boolean | mPassportEnabled | |
protected Vector< Object > | mQueue | |
MutualSSLChallengeListener | msslListener | |
PerformanceAgent | pa | |
int | prevThreadSelected | |
SSLChallengeListener | sslListener | |
protected SuccessThread | successNotifier | Success notification worker instance. |
protected static final String | TAG |
Modifier and Type | Constructor | Description |
public | RequestManager(ILogger, IPreferences, IConnectivityParameters, int) | Instantiates the RequestManager class. |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
public void | clearPendingRequests(ILogger, Context) | Clears all the persisted requests from database. |
public void | enablePerformanceLogging() | Enables performance logging for Core Services. |
public IConnectivityParameters | getConnectivityParameters() | Returns the ConnectivityParameters object containing the settings used by the Request library. |
public ILogger | getLogger() | |
public boolean | isPerformanceLoggingEnabled() | Returns whether the Performance Logging is enabled or not. |
public void | makeRequest(final IRequest) | Puts a request object into the RequestManager object. |
public void | makeRequest(final IBundleRequest) | Puts a bundle request object into the RequestManager object. |
public static void | setAuthenticationChallengeListener(IAuthenticationChallengeListner) | Sets the authentication challenge listener so that application is notified upon authentication failure. |
public void | setListener(INetListener) | Sets the listener for receiving success/failure call backs upon invoking a request. |
public void | setMutualSSLChallengeListener(IMutualSSLChallengeListener) | Sets the call back for the application to accept or reject the client certificate. |
public void | setSSLChallengeListener(ISSLChallengeListener) | Error notification worker. |