The MAFCalendarMonthTabletView class displays appointments in a month view (in a grid-like arrangement of the days). Users can navigate across the months using a navigation bar at the top of the screen.
MAFCalendarMonthView mv = new MAFCalendarMonthView(context, dataProvider, viewProvider, null, weekSelectable, true)
< android:id="@+id/monthviewtablet" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" x:week_selection="true" x:tablet="true" />
<Style TargetType="CalendarMonthView" Key="DefCalendarMonthView" platform="android"> <VisualStates> <VisualState Name="Selected"> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Background" Value="#ff0062A9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Day_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_DayWithApp_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Background" Value="#ff0062A9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> </VisualState> </VisualStates> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTileExtra_Background" Value="#fff2f2f2" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Background" Value="#ffffffff" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Navigation_Background" Value="#fff7f7f7" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Navigation_Month_Label_Color" Value="#ff333333" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Navigation_Arrow_Color" Value="#ffB8B8B9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Day_Label_Color" Value="#ff333333" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_DayWithApp_Label_Color" Value="#ff000000" /> <Setter Property="DayTile_Day_Label_Background" Value="#ff00ffcc" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Color" Value="#ff0069ca" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Background" Value="#ffe9f3f8" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekNumber_Label_Color" Value="#ff333333" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Separator_Color" Value="#ffB8B8B9" /> </Style>
<VisualStates> <VisualState Name="Selected"> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Background" Value="#ff0062A9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Day_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_DayWithApp_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Background" Value="#ff0062A9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> </VisualState> </VisualStates>
<Style TargetType="CalendarMonthView" Key="RedCalendarMonthView" BasedOn=”DefCalendarMonthView” platform="android"> <VisualStates> <VisualState Name="Selected"> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Background" Value="#ff0062A9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Day_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_DayWithApp_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Background" Value="#ff0062A9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Color" Value="#ffffffff" /> </VisualState> </VisualStates> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTileExtra_Background" Value="#fff20000" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Background" Value="#ffff0000" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Navigation_Background" Value="#fff7f7f7" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Navigation_Month_Label_Color" Value="#ff333333" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Navigation_Arrow_Color" Value="#ffB8B8B9" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_Day_Label_Color" Value="#ff333333" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="DayTile_DayWithApp_Label_Color" Value="#ff000000" /> <Setter Property="DayTile_Day_Label_Background" Value="#ffff0000" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Color" Value="#ff0069ca" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekDayHeader_Label_Background" Value="#ffe90000" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="WeekNumber_Label_Color" Value="#ff333333" /> <!-- OK --> <Setter Property="Separator_Color" Value="#ffB8B8B9" /> </Style>
MAFCalendarMonthView mv = new MAFCalendarMonthView(context, dataProvider, viewProvider, „RedCalendarMonthView”, weekSelectable, true)
< android:id="@+id/monthviewtablet" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" x:week_selection="true" x:flavor=”RedCalendarMonthView” x:tablet="true" />
Background | Color of the MAFCalendarMonthTabletView’s background; can also be a freestyle gradient. Colors are defined as RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha). |
Navigation_Background | Navigation button's background color. |
Navigation_Month_Label_Color | Color of the month label. |
Navigation_Arrow_Color | Color of the navigation arrow. |
DayTile_Day_Label_Color | Color of the daytile day label. |
DayTile_DayWithApp_Label_Color | Color of the label of daytile days with appointment. |
See the style XML file for additional properties.